
有得留低的:(大愛的Grey's Anatomy自然輕鬆過關,by the way,Body Of Proof其實就是女法醫版的House,super arrogant的女子,一望屍體便知死者一生的推理怪,劇集比House多了一點女性element:女主角有個女兒^o^)
The Bachelor
Body Of Proof
Cougar Town
Dancing with the Stars
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
Happy Endings
Modern Family
Private Practice
The Middle

RIP的:(Better With You開頭睇幾好笑,但爛gag太多,受不了)
Better With You
Brothers & Sisters
Detroit 1-8-7
Mr Sunshine
No Ordinary Family
Off The Map

Apartment 23: A hilarious, contemporary female Odd Couple surrounded by an outrageous ensemble cast.(住進Apartment 23的女生請注意,小心財物男友被偷﹗)

Charlie's Angels: 不用介紹了吧……

Good Christian Belles: Twenty years ago, Amanda Vaughn was the queen bee of Highland Park Texas, but now she's got to pay for her sins.(又一師奶劇)

Last Man Standing: Men may have built it, but they're about to find out that it's not a man's world anymore.(trailer狂賣Tim Allen回歸,他是誰啊?)

Man Up: Will's grandfather fought in WWII, his father in Vietnam. Will plays Call of Duty on PS3 and uses body wash.(有個打過二戰的爺爺同打過越戰的爸爸,這kidult第三代要學習長大……喎)

Missing: When Becca's son goes missing under suspicious circumstances, she will do whatever it takes to find him.(千里尋子劇)

Once Upon A Time: Brace yourself for a modern fable filled with the magic of our most beloved fairytales and thrilling twists of darkness(Cameron進化做媽媽,與兒子進入魔法世界)

Pan Am: Welcome to the Jet Age. It's 1963 and the whole world is on the brink of a cultural revolution.(有Christina Ricci喎,吸引~~~)

Revenge: Welcome to the Hamptons, a world of incredible wealth and privilege, where nothing is colder than revenge.(報父仇女生奮鬥史)

The River: The River takes you into the unknown, where the only thing darker than family secrets is the mystery of the Amazon.(今次lost的是一家人,不是路人甲乙丙了)

Scandal: When you get into headline-making trouble – there's only one person to call ... Olivia Price, professional Fixer.(黑人女子做主角,專門替人消災)

Suburgatory: A bitingly ironic single-camera comedy that combines Juno's heightened reality with Father Knows Best's heart.(青少年題材……sorry)

Work It: After being laid off, Lee will do anything to support his family– even if it means putting on a skirt and heels.(扮女人返工?好似好好笑)