在Sex and the City中,我最喜歡Miranda。她聰明、風趣、有話直說、擅於嘲諷,我多希望能像她一樣。

電影官方網站(www.sexandthecitymovie.com)內有個叫Match Your Man的遊戲,測試究竟哪類男人適合你。而我的結果竟然是:

“Sweet, sincere, scruffy Steve is a romantic who prioritizes you relationship over his career and his wardrobe. He’s content having you be the breadwinner in the relationship, and he’s even willing to be bossed around a little bit. Although at times he lacks maturity, you have a hard time resisting his boyish charm. Steve has a contagious optimism and is always there when you need him.”
